CMP launches new fleet of corporate vehicles, incorporating hybrids and electrics

Compañía Minera del Pacífico leads among the companies in the industry with projects based on the decarbonization of its processes.
CMP continues on the road to electromobility with the launch of its new fleet of corporate vehicles, which gradually incorporates electric and hybrid units, in addition to diesel trucks with Euro 6 standards, whose state-of-the-art technology seeks to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.
This new milestone represents a fundamental step in the company’s decarbonization strategy, allowing it to advance in its energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction goals, considering in this opportunity a 44% reduction in emissions per year in relation to its transportation ecosystem.
This initiative is in addition to the successful implementation in 2023 of the fleet of 45 100% electric buses, whose milestone consolidated CMP as the first private mining company in Chile to have this technological solution; and the incorporation of two electric shovels in Los Colorados Mine and a fleet of electric mining trucks for the operation of the Pellet Plant.
CMP has 9 operations in the regions of Coquimbo and Atacama, territories where transversal professionals and executives travel on a weekly basis. In this context, the general manager of Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Francisco Carvajal, said that “the future is based on our business strategy, which considers decarbonization and the commitment to address climate change through relevant management initiatives, such as electromobility. With this fleet, an expectation of development and progress in safety and comfort for the transportation of our workers is materialized”.
The ceremony was attended the Seremi of Mining and Energy Coquimbo, Constanza Espinosa, who said: “The new fleet is the result of the company’s commitment to address climate change through relevant initiatives from management, such as electromobility:
“We are very happy with this new CMP initiative, since we are not only talking about reducing pollution from fossil fuel combustion, but also noise pollution, which also has a positive impact on people”.
In this way, the company ratifies sustainability as one of its fundamental pillars, seeking to generate practices that have a positive impact and generate value in its processes and neighboring communities. Positioning itself, in turn, as a leader in the transformation of the mining sector towards a more sustainable mining future.